Zee news hindi 10th april 2016
Zee news hindi 10th april 2016

In a separate order on Friday, the regulator imposed a penalty of Rs 12 lakh on Rishi Sakhuja for carrying out investment adviser activities without the Sebi registration, as mandated under the rule, between 20.

zee news hindi 10th april 2016

It, further, said that AIPL had misused funds or misrepresented books of accounts which are detrimental to the interests of genuine investors.įurther, the company's directors, CEO and CFO had failed to exercise duty of care, by misrepresenting the financials/misusing the fund.īy indulging in such activities, the company and six persons violated several provisions of LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) rules, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Sebi said in an order dated November 25.Īccordingly, the regulator has barred AIPL from the capital markets for one year and imposed a penalty of Rs 25 lakh on it. In its order, Sebi found that AIPL had failed to present true and fair financial statements and had executed transactions which were non-genuine in nature tantamounting to misrepresentation of the accounts/ financials statement and misuse of account/ funds of the company. "Hence, the noticee cannot take the plea that he acted in a good faith as a director of the board in approving the financials that were provided to him by the audit committee," it added.

zee news hindi 10th april 2016

"The noticee (Raut) was not just a director of the company but a member of the audit committee and had attended 2 of the 4 audit committee meetings in the FY 2015-16 and all the 4 audit committee meetings during the FY 2016-17," Sebi said in its 95-page order. The regulator didn't not allow protection to Raut under the SBI rule of 'acted in good faith'. Here it is #CoffeeBreak is a retired SBI official who was nominated by the bank on AIPL board in 2013 after the company was put under CDR (corporate debt restructuring) by the consortium of banks led by SBI. I was interviewed by a Leftlib portal on #JNU. If they can’t even temporarily accommodate differing views, hiring someone is simply out of question. Recently, a left leaning website first approached and then refused to publish interview of senior journalist Kanchan Gupta, because they didn’t agree with his views. Zee didn’t refuse Vishwa the employment despite his ideology – something you can’t expect the left leaning media to do. In fact, this incident proves that the so-called right leaning media is actually more tolerant and diverse in hiring than the left leaning media. We at have declared our ideology as “right liberal” right from the inception. Recently the ingrained biases present in every media house has come to fore, and only the dishonest one would claim “neutrality”. Vishwa Deepak openly criticized RSS Vishwa Deepak views on Modi and Afzal In fact, even while serving Zee News, Vishwa Deepak was very vocal against RSS and Modi.

zee news hindi 10th april 2016

It’s a pity that various media houses presented it as some judgement on Zee’s journalism rather than a reflection of Vishwa’s politics.

zee news hindi 10th april 2016

In wake of these, his resignation should be seen as a political statement rather than a statement on journalism of Zee News.


Vishwa Deepak was yet another Afzal sympathising left leaning person full of visceral hatred against BJP and Hindutva.įor example, consider the following posts published by Vishwa on Facebook: Vishwa Deepak blamed Hindutva, Nationalism and Modi for Yakub Memon Vishwa Deepak wrote several posts sympathizing Afzal Guru as a Hero Vishwa Deepak blamed India as a suppressor for hanging Afzal Guru Vishwa Deeapak not only had a Leftist inclination, but he was a big fan of Kanhaiya Kumar A cursory glance at the Facebook profile of the now-resigned reporter is enough to know where his bias and loyalties lay. These reports painted Vishwa as some “neutral” and unbiased journalist who was unhappy with bias of Zee News. On Sunday evening, some websites published news about a reporter of Zee News named Vishwa Deepak, who resigned from the channel as he was unhappy with the way his employers treated the JNU row.

Zee news hindi 10th april 2016